Gallery: T-54 mod. 1951, Aleppo Syria, Miniart 1:35
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W skrócie - T-54 od końca lat 50-tych w służbie Syryjskiej Armii Arabskiej. Weteran kilku wojen. W 2012 roku przejęty przez Wolną Armię Syryjską po zdobyciu szkoły piechoty w Aleppo. Przez 4 lata w służbie rebeliantów - najpierw FSA, potem radykalnego Frontu Lewantu (Dżabat al-Szamiah). W Grudniu 2016 ponownie przejęty przez wojska rządowe. W czerwcu 2017 roku "widziany po raz ostatni" w zakładach remontowych SAA w Homs. Albo po remoncie wszedł na powrót do linii, albo stał się dawcą części.
Przybudowie modelu wykorzystałem/ zrobiłem/ przerobiłem:
- zestaw Miniartu,
- lufę aluminiową RB Model,
- antenę RB Model,
- własnej roboty pokrowiec na jarzmo armaty,
- przerobiłem strop wieży dodając drugi peryskop,
- dodałem kilka spawów, poręczy, itp.
Gallery: T-54 mod. 1951, Aleppo veteran, Miniart 1/35
Firstly I'd like to invite you to my facebook site: - I update it very often!
This tank have probably fought in many wars on Middle East since late 50's.
During Syrian Civil War it was spotted for the first time in 2012 in Aleppo Infantry School. It was captured by FSA and they used it to fight with Assad regime.
When rebels in Aleppo started to radicalize the tank was taken over by Levant Front. They have used it for next 2 years which gives us more than 4 years in continous service during Syrian Civil War.
In December 2016 Aleppo was liberated by SAA. Then the tank returned to the former owners - Syrian Arab Army.
The last known image of this tank comes from SAA repair facility in Homs. So it was probably repaired and returned to service!
To build this model I used great MiniArt Models T-54B. I added RB Model aluminium barrel and antenna. I also made some small modifications, which you can find in older posts.
- zestaw Miniartu,
- lufę aluminiową RB Model,
- antenę RB Model,
- własnej roboty pokrowiec na jarzmo armaty,
- przerobiłem strop wieży dodając drugi peryskop,
- dodałem kilka spawów, poręczy, itp.
Gallery: T-54 mod. 1951, Aleppo veteran, Miniart 1/35
Firstly I'd like to invite you to my facebook site: - I update it very often!
This tank have probably fought in many wars on Middle East since late 50's.
During Syrian Civil War it was spotted for the first time in 2012 in Aleppo Infantry School. It was captured by FSA and they used it to fight with Assad regime.
When rebels in Aleppo started to radicalize the tank was taken over by Levant Front. They have used it for next 2 years which gives us more than 4 years in continous service during Syrian Civil War.
In December 2016 Aleppo was liberated by SAA. Then the tank returned to the former owners - Syrian Arab Army.
The last known image of this tank comes from SAA repair facility in Homs. So it was probably repaired and returned to service!
To build this model I used great MiniArt Models T-54B. I added RB Model aluminium barrel and antenna. I also made some small modifications, which you can find in older posts.
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